Le Scale Vincenzo Mannino Pdf
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Le Scale Vincenzo Mannino Pdf
The survey on Paediatricians' Knowledge and Attitudes was conducted in September and October 2003, at the beginning of the RTIs "epidemic period". Two ad hoc questionnaires [9] were delivered to all FPs during CME events and to all HPs by mail. The questionnaires were not anonymous and included questions about general characteristics of the paediatrician, knowledge and opinions about causes of inappropriate antimicrobial prescribing, effective interventions for reducing it, and three clinical vignettes that explored the paediatricians' knowledge of common RTIs (Table 1). The questionnaire included closed questions with unordered answers as well as answers on a four points rating scale (from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree"), which were grouped in the analysis as "disagree" or "agree".
The survey on Parental Knowledge and Attitudes was conducted over ten days at the beginning of October 2003 at vaccination centres. Centres open at least 5 days per week were chosen based on opportunistic criteria (51 out of 233 centres existing in the region). A self-administered ad hoc anonymous questionnaire was offered to all parents [10]. Parents were excluded if not sufficiently proficient in Italian or if accessing the centre for reasons other than child vaccination. The questionnaire covered socio-demographic characteristics of parents and children, parental knowledge of bacteria, RTIs, antimicrobials and resistance and included closed questions with unordered answers as well as answers on a four points rating scale (from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree").
METODO DIDATTICO PER PIANOFORTE Opera didattica per pianoforte sull'uso delle scale ad uso degli Istituti musicali. Caratteristiche principali Autore: Vincenzo Mannino Titolo: Le scale per pianoforte Editore: Edizioni Curci 1e1e36bf2d