Comments (English) !!EXCLUSIVE!!
You'll notice that the report card comments below can act as a springboard for more fully developed ones. But don't worry, using them you'll be able to take some of these one-liners and turn them into insightful and actionable next steps!
Comments (English)
Compared to a single number or letter grade, report card comments can provide even more value to your students and their families. In other words, a number or letter or grade captures the what, while an accompanying comment captures the how.
If there is a problem, most parents will be grateful to you for telling them and will want to help you correct it as soon as possible. Many problems that show up at school are also problems noticed at home, so your comments will not surprise parents. Ideally, at some point prior to receiving the progress report, parents have already discussed the problem with you.
If you get stuck completing the comments for a particular student, move on to your other students and return to it later. You will likely have more trouble completing comments for students who have multiple areas needing further improvement and attention.
It is unlikely that your students or parents will compare their report card comments, but it is still a best practice to aim for unique commentary for each student that reflects each, individual learning outcome.
Despite this, you should make sure to double check all your comments before hitting print and handing them out. All your communications to parents are a reflection of you as a teacher, and should mirror the care and attention you show your students in class.
Personalized report card comments that are clear, precise, and meaningful are essential for informing students and their parents about what students have learned, what their strengths are and how they can effectively progress.
General comments have also dealt with wider, cross-cutting issues, such as the role of national human rights institutions, the rights of persons with disabilities, violence against women and the rights of minorities.
Additionally, comments from EU countries are published as they were received, unless the EU country objected to their publication. As such, comments from certain countries may be available in that country's official language only.
When you write code, it is a good practice to add comments that describe the code. Comments allow others to understand your code and can refresh your memory when you return to it later. During code development and testing, you also can use comments to comment out any code that does not need to run.
The Editor and Live Editor include tools and context menu items to help you add, remove, or change the format of comments for MATLAB, Java, and C/C++ code. For example, suppose that you have this lengthy text into a commented line.% This is a code file that has a comment that is a little more than 75 columns wide.disp('Hello, world')With the cursor on the line, go to Editor or Live Editor tab, and in the Code section, click the wrap comments button . The comment wraps to the next line:% This is a code file that has a comment that is a little more than 75% columns wide.disp('Hello, world')
It's report card time and you face the prospect of writing constructive, insightful, and original comments on a couple dozen report cards or more. Here are 125 positive report card comments for you to use and adapt!
You've reached the end of another grading period, and what could be more daunting than the task of composing insightful, original, and unique comments about every child in your class? The following positive statements will help you tailor your comments to specific children and highlight their strengths.
Whether you are tweaking statements from this page or creating original ones, check out our Report Card Thesaurus [see bottom of the page] that contains a list of appropriate adjectives and adverbs. There you will find the right words to keep your comments fresh and accurate.
Looking for some great adverbs and adjectives to bring to life the comments that you put on report cards? Go beyond the stale and repetitive With this list, your notes will always be creative and unique.
Removing the thumbnail for an image or the story for an attachment from the activity feed will not remove the file from the task. The activity feed is a list of timestamped actions above the comments field.
You are most definitely not alone! I have to admit, I felt that way a lot when people would point out my accent in Spanish. Sometimes, I was able to move on right away; other times, it took me a little while. Like you said, it can help to acknowledge and name how these comments make you feel.
I understand why it seems like the responses suggested here are about making native speakers comfortable, rather than challenging them to question their comments. The short responses offered here are best for situations like the one that inspired this article; in other words, for situations when people make a quick observation that you have an accent. These observations are not necessary or helpful, but they still happen. In these situations, it often makes sense to acknowledge the fact that you have an accent and make it clear you would like to move on.
As the stories shared here have shown, non-native speakers may also have to handle negative, aggressive, rude, stereotypical, xenophobic, closed-minded or even racist comments related to their accent or their immigration status. It requires emotional labor to discuss these comments and challenge these beliefs. In some situations, it may feel unsafe. This is why I mentioned that it is not your responsibility to fix these people or change their minds.
My husband said this kind of comments could be a racial discrmination. I did not realize it till I read all the stories here. I feel sorry to everyone who experienced this situations and to myself as well.
More generally speaking, it feels wrong to have a plural after the negative no/none or with the preposition without (see my previous question "Without reason" or "Without reasons"?). Those words imply zero, i.e. less than one, while plural is two or more. Yet, I know that phrases like "There are no comments" or "He is without friends" are common. It seems illogical to me.
Similar to our Opinions, our Formal Comments are issued in response to a request from the European Commission under Article 42(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 and address the data protection implications of a legislative proposal or a draft implementing or delegated act. Our Formal comments are usually shorter and more technical, or only address certain aspects of a proposal.
EDPS Formal comments on a Draft Commission Implementing Regulation laying down the necessary rules and detailed requirements for the functioning and management of a repository of information pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139
EDPS Formal comments on the draft Commission Delegated Regulations of 30/9/2021 supplementing Regulations (EU) 2019/817 and 2019/818 with detailed rules on the operation of the central repository for reporting and statistics
EDPS Formal comments on the Commission Implementing Decision on the functionality for the centralised management of the lists of authorities accessing the Entry/Exit System and the Visa Information System
This list of 30 ready-to-use report card comments covers language growth, speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills for ESL and ELL report cards, and provides examples of both positive feedback for students and suggestions for improvement.
The Eclipse Public License is similar to the Common Public License, and ourcomments on the CPL apply equally to the EPL. The only change is thatthe EPL removes the broader patent retaliation language regarding patentinfringement suits specifically against Contributors to the EPL'dprogram.
This license is identical to the Yahoo! PublicLicense 1.1, except that the license is provided by VMWare insteadof Yahoo!. Our comments there apply here as well; this is aGPL-incompatible, partial copyleft free software license.
A Tweet that you share publicly with your followers is known as a Retweet. This is a great way to pass along news and interesting discoveries on Twitter. You have the option to add your own comments and/or media before Retweeting. When using Twitter's Retweet icon, your Retweet or Quote Tweet will reference the Tweet you are sharing. When someone replies to your Quote Tweet, the author of the original Tweet will not be automatically added to the conversation. If you want to include the author of the original Tweet, you will need to mention their username.
For a work around if you can't update, I use the Acumulative Grading in a "rubric style" so the rubric information is present and the comments can be seen. I put in a two row table for one criteria in each aspect box so it looks like the rubric the students are used to seeing. Picture included.
The only problem I had is that I neglected to tell someone that it wasn't a rubric grading on the settings page and it took me a while with David's help to find out what had happened. Once the setting were changed back all the comments etc. showed up again. Next time I will caution everyone involved (including myself ) that it is the Acumulative grading on the settings page.
If you choose to allow comments pending moderation, then you will have to approve all comments before they are published on your blog. You can also approve or delete multiple comments using a bulk action.
Shopify checks all blog comments for signs of spam and flags them. Flagged comments won't be displayed on your blog, but they will appear in your Shopify admin. You can mark comments as spam manually. 041b061a72