Adaptive Filter Theory Simon Haykin Ebook.11 [EXCLUSIVE]
Haykin examines both the mathematical theory behind various linear adaptive filters and the elements of supervised multilayer perceptrons. In its fifth edition, this highly successful book has been updated and refined to stay current with the field and develop concepts in as unified and accessible a manner as possible.
adaptive filter theory simon haykin ebook.11
The primary aim of E9 211 is to develop a mathematical theory of linear adaptive filters. Adaptation is accomplished by adjusting the free parameters of a filter according to the input data to achieve the desired output. Such adaptive algorithms are frequently encountered in many signal processing and machine learning algorithms. The adaptive signal processing course provides a comprehensive treatment of mathematical signal processing algorithms for designing optimum and linear filters; designing, implementing, and analyzing adaptive filters applied to system identification, inverse modeling (deconvolution), adaptive control, and interference cancellation; and some selected emerging topics in signal processing.
Review of linear algebra and random processes. Optimal estimation. Linear estimation. Steepest-descent algorithms. Stochastic-gradient algorithms. Least squares and recursive least squares. Kalman filtering. Particle filtering. Blind deconvolution and beamforming. Subspace tracking. Robust adaptive filters. Iterative solvers of large-scale linear systems. Selected emerging topics.
This project consists of two parts on implementing and studying adaptive filters for adaptive noise cancellation: (a) using single-channel microphone recordings and (b) using multi-channel microphone recordings. 350c69d7ab