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VP Racing is now recognised by many as the world leader in race fuel technology in UK and wordwide, with a catalog of more than 70 fuel blends and a growing roster of VP-fueled champions across the entire spectrum of motorsports.
Did you know that racing fuels can be purchased online fromthe convenience of your home Yes, you read that right. Racing fuels can beordered online and shipped to your door. No more driving to your localdealership or auto-shop in search of your reliable and most-trusted fuel. Thereis nothing more frustrating than making a trek to obtain an item and leavingempty-handed.
Sunoco Fuels hascome a long way since opening their first gas station back in 1920. Throughoutthe past 100 years, they have grown into one of the largest fuel distributioncompanies in the United States.
Looking where to buy race fuel online You've come to the right place. With our wide selection of Sunoco Racing Fuels in leaded and unleaded varieties spanning a range of octane levels, you'll be sure to find the product you need in 5 gallon pails or bulk 55 gallon drums.
Racing gas is a category of gasoline that go beyond the performance level you find at their local gas station. It just so happens that high-performance racing vehicles were the first ones to identify the need for gasoline that performed better than what was normally available. Hence, we refer to these gasolines as racing fuels, but they are used in many applications beyond just racing.
That is where racing fuels come in. These are not just for race cars. These are high performance fuels that offer consistent and repeatable performance as well as storage capabilities well beyond regular pump gas. Think about your boats, chainsaws, motorcycles, ATVs, tractors and all kinds of off-road equipment. All of them can benefit from high performance racing fuels.
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We fuel everyone from professional race teams, high performance motorsports enthusiasts and weekend warriors! On-road, off-road, four-wheels or two-wheels, on the water or the snow, on the track or racing your buddy on the weekend, we have the right performance racing fuel for all your motorsports needs! F&L Racing Fuel is dedicated to providing you with a high quality, trusted, performance product! Quality. Integrity. Performance!
RACE GAS has been laboratory tested and race proven to perform in any gasoline powered engine. RACE GAS has been proven safe for Oxygen Sensors and Catalytic Converters. HOW IS RACE GAS DIFFERENT RACE GAS is a race fuel concentrate. The purpose of the product is to create racing fuel out of pump gasoline from any gas station. So what does this mean
First, other products on the market only raise the octane a few points but do not raise the octane to that of racing fuel. RACE GAS has been tested and proven to increase the octane of pump gas to as high as 100 to 105 AKI, (R+M/2), when blended with gasoline as specified in our blend chart.
Second, other products on the market only increase the octane. RACE GAS also raises the chemical / BTU energy of base fuel to equal that of racing fuel. This is very important as low energy with high octane will lean out the engine significantly at Wide Open Throttle.
Lastly, RACE GAS blend results are shown in Anti Knock Index, (AKI) or R+M/2. This is the same measurement that race fuel manufactures use to measure the octane of their fuel. Other products on the market blend to the Research Octane Number, (RON). The RON number is a poor representation of octane as it represents the performance of the fuel in the engine at idle. AKI represents the performance of the fuel under load.
RACE GAS ULTRA is specifically designed for the requirements of very high compression, boosted or nitrous engines. ULTRA, when mixed with pump gasoline, will create racing fuel with octane between 108 and 112 r+m/2. Like our original product, ULTRA increases the octane, chemical oxygen and chemical energy of the fuel to equal commercially distilled racing fuel.
Race Gas Diesel Performance Plus is the first diesel additive specifically designed and focused on diesel performance. Other products on the market focus on several issues that are caused by low sulfur diesel fuel like anti-gel, anti-fungal, and stiction. Race Gas Diesel Performance Plus focuses specifically on CETANE, Oxygen, and Lubrication so that users can take full advantage of power adders like tuners, bigger turbos, or propane injection.
One 32 ounce can of Race Gas Diesel Performance Plus will treat 32 gallons of diesel fuel. Or blend one ounce of Diesel Performance Plus per one gallon of diesel fuel. This product is to be added to diesel fuel. Do not add to Diesel Exhaust Fluid tank. This diesel fuel additive is compliant with federal low sulfur requirements for use in motor vehicles and non-road engines.
Octane rating isthe standard of measure of the performance fuel in an engine. The octane numberis an indicator of the fuel's tendency to burn in a controlled manner versusexploding in an uncontrolled manner. Fuels with a high octane rating andwithstand higher compression before detonating or \"knocking\". Higher compression could be from highcompression ratio of the piston / cylinder combination, the use of a supercharger or turbo charger, or Nitrous oxide injection.
Research Octane Number (RON): RON is the \"laboratory\" measurement of octane. The octane number is determined by running the fuel in a CRF Test Engine and varying the compression of the engine until the fuel \"detonates\" or Knocks. The engine is not under \"load\" and as a result RON numbers generally run higher than the other octane numbers.
AKI or (R+M)/2 is the Anti-Knock Index. This number is the average of the MON and RON numbers. This number is the most important because it averages the octane under load and at idle. This is the number that you should care most about. When a car company or an engine builder specifies a fuel's octane number for an engine, AKI is the number they are referring to.
First, octaneboosters only add a few points of octane and cannot raise the octane of pumpgas to that of racing fuel. What many people don't know is that a point ofoctane is 1/10 of an octane number. For example, if an octane booster says itraises octane by 9 points and it is blended with 87 octane fuel the finaloctane number will be 87.9 not 96.
Second, octaneboosters will raise the octane they don't increase the chemical energy of pumpgas. This is because they are not adding the high quality fuel aromatics thatare used in RACE GAS. As a result your engine will not \"ping\" but itwill not generate as much power as it would using RACE GAS.
Secondly, aircraftengines don't run at high RPM loads under normal operation. An aircraft atcruise might be turning at 2,500 to 3,000 RPM, significantly lower than the5,000 to 9,000 red line typically seen in an automobile engine. Aviation fuelis blended to balance performance and economy at these low engine loads and asa result will not be as effective at high engine load.
One other issuethat should be considered with aviation fuel is the use of lead. TetraethylLead is used in aviation gasoline to increase the octane, (even in so called\"Low Lead\" or LL fuels). Lead will damage O2 sensors and catalyticconverters which can be expensive to replace.
Jet fuel is more like diesel fuel than gasoline. It is designed to be burned in turbine engines at very high operating temperatures. Jet fuel would seriously damage your engine assuming that you could even get it to fire up in the first place!
\"Ethanol\" based fuels do have a high octane they also have lower chemical energy than regular pump gas. As a result your engine must be tuned to accommodate the decrease in chemical energy by increasing fuel flow, either through changes to fuel injection or carburetor jet size. On average you will need 30% to 40% more fuel to equal the chemical energy of non-ethanol fuels.
In addition, ethanol based fuels can have negative effect on your fuel system and engine. Ethanol will degrade components in the fuel system like fuel pumps and seals. Ethanol will also promote corrosion in the fuel system and exhaust system.
If you are old enough toremember burning leaded fuel, or look at the plugs from someone burning leadedracing fuel, you will see a greyish white dust on the plugs and exhaust pipes.This is the byproduct burning leaded fuels. This dust has no effect on plugperformance and will not damage the engine either.
No! It is possible to \"over octane\" an engine. While the effects on the engine are less than \"under octane\", the engine will not perform as well as it would with the right octane fuel. We encourage our customers to talk with their engine builder or people with similar engine configuration to determine the \"right octane\" for your car.
The chart below represents a good estimate of octane requirements by compression ratio. It is not specific to your engine so you may want to blend your fuel to an octane number or two higher than what is listed below. 59ce067264
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