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@ saqib: You do not know what you are talking about. Go and learn some history. The Ottoman Empire was the finest cultural and military power of its age. Not many empires can boast of having been an empire that lasted 600 years. It was the first power in world history that it was an empire that absorbed many people like the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Azerbaijanis, the Chechens, the Georgians, the Armenians, the Balkars, the Turks, the Arabic speaking Christians, the Jews and much more. They became a'multiethnic' empire and one of the finest civilizations the world has ever known.
The Ottoman Empire was the greatest power and cultural force the world has ever known. But as with all empires, the perception of it changed over time, and there were false perceptions for long periods of time.
You are wrong about the'schismatic' nature of the Ottoman empire. The followers of the Prophet were divided into two groups: the Sunnis and the Shiites. The Shiites believed that the rightful heir to the Prophet was his cousin Ali, although he had been murdered by the Prophet's own son-in-law, Mohammed's favorite, the Ummar Hussein. Ali was not allowed to succeed the Prophet as he was not his legitimate son. Other sects were small and were not as big as Sunni or Shiite. The Prophet was very much against religious sects and based his rule on love, and therefore he was against them. The Ottoman Empire was founded by Sultan Orhan. He was a great prince, a very tolerant, loving and fair man. He was against the sects and did his best to reform them. He allowed them to practice their religion freely in the empire, but he did not make them the state religion.
When I first began studying this empire, it was seen as merely a schismatic Muslim power; as a political state only as a second tier power to the Europeans; but in time it was seen as a great civilization by many of the Muslims of the world.
For 600 years, the Turks never made religion an issue. They were a tolerant people. Many Muslims believed that the Ottoman Empire was the most tolerant and most moral Muslim state. They were more moral, more tolerant and more progressive in their outlook than many other Muslim states that existed up to their time.
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