Google Chrome 72.0.3626.109 !!TOP!!
LINK ===
I am having the same exact issue. I just did a fresh install of Windows 10 and Chrome is my default browser. When I open qlik live or the web portal, it instantly switches to chrome, never opening up my default browser! I am unable to get it to open up a new tab with the link, just loads the same page as chrome. If it helps, I'm using the latest Chrome version (71.0.3578.98).
Stream is simply not working in Chrome for me any longer. This worked for me as recently as the last week or 2 (not 100% when it stopped, I don't go there every day) and is working for my co-workers. I am on Chrome version 72.0.3626.109, Windows 10 OS. Error occurs both embedded web parts in a SharePoint site I've been creating, and going to Stream directly. It does work using Edge, IE, and Firefox. I assume some obscure Chrome setting got changed?? I have cleared cache, rebooted, anyone have an ideas?? I have attached a screen shot of the error I get...not much info but that's all I have. Thank you in advance for any help! 827ec27edc